2017年3月1日 星期三

2017 又再 IoT: MQTT Broker - mosquitto

pat pat 痕就更係要攪下 伺服 至得.
今次就決定試下唔用人地既 broker, 自己黎料, 攪得幾多得幾多.

初步諗住用 mosquitto, 其實我都唔知係乜, 一隻蚊, 做得D乜.

For installation on a new machine, don't trust the readme file that you just need the 3 DLLs........


libeay32.dll ssleay32.dll from OpenSSL:
Installed version:  Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.2k Light   (note: the new version does not contain these dll files)
Installed location: C:\OpenSSL-Win32  (the required dll files can be found here also)
In fact, it is not only need these two files, so don't just copy the files from other machine, you need to install the OpenSSL-Win32 as there has some other files required also.
pthreadVC2.dll from pthreads
Installed version: pthreads-w32-2-9-1-release.zip
Unzip the file, and the dll can be found in Pre-built.2\dll\x64 & Pre-built.2\dll\x86.
It must use the one in Pre-built.2\dll\x86.

So, all required DLL can be found as below,
DLL file
Date modified
2017-01-26 07:25:34
1.20 MB (1,265,664 bytes)
2017-01-26 07:25:42
268 KB (274.944 bytes)
2012-05-27 01:36:06
54.5 KBB (55,808 bytes)

The above 3 DLLs has been mentioned in mosquitto's website, and the readme file after installation.  You may proceed the installation if you are a developer.  But you will hit the error if you just install on a new PC, because it has not mentioned that, Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime is also required.

Download the latest version from: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53587

* Must install vc_redist.x86.exe even you are running a 64bit windows.

Before installation of mosquito, copy the above three files to C:\Widnows\System32
Then execute the  mosquitto-1.4.11-install-win32.exe  (Check the “Service” to install)
Installed location: C:\Program Files (x86)\mosquitto
New service added:  Mosquitto Broker
Try to start the service (it should be installed as Automatic, which will be started after restart windows).

Test the mosquito installation by using Chrome application: MQTTLENS
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